Tri-State has expanded our online foot print. We have added ways to shop, gather information and ideas. We want it to be easy for you, our valued customers, to be able to find what you are looking for. Here are a few things you can utilize to make things easier for your everyday operations:
1. Dropbox. We now have Dropbox which allows you to find pricing and room scenes from all our product lines. Most of the installations in Drop Box were installed by you; our valued customers. To be set up with this valuable tool; just ask your Territory Manager to share it with you. You will need a valid email address to confirm.
2. Newsletter. We still have our newsletters via email that we send out monthly. Our newsletters include new product information, tips, price sheets and dropped items. Just give us your email address to start receiving specials, price changes and great selling tips and information. You can easily signup online at
a. Click on Dealer Specials and Information
b. Click on Dealer Forms
c. Click on Correspondence Information Form d. Fill Out Form and Email to:
3. Website. We have created an interactive website where you can log on to search for discounted specials, find links to your vendors, training tips, important forms and products that you may want to add to your show room including pictures of the displays. If you want to learn more about the Tri-State team a little about each of us is located under:
a. About
b. Meet the Team
4. Net xPress. Net xPress is a way to place orders and check inventory. If you are interested in being set up with this program you can:
a. Click on Dealer Specials and Information
b. Click on Dealer Forms
c. Click on Net xPress Sign-Up Form
d. Fill Out and Click Submit
5. Social Media. We have created a Facebook page. This will show room scenes, shared information on products, industry trends and many other pertinent items that we feel are important. Social media is a big part of our everyday lives and we know businesses rely more and more on it. So check us out and follow us on Facebook.
There are so many ways to reach us and interact with us! Of course, you can always call, email or fax us. We hope these additions help to continue to grow our relationships and partnerships. Bringing you more information on a speedier, more convenient platform is our goal. Thank you, as always, for your business and partnerships.