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THE ART OF UP-SELLING: Using Good, Better, Best

At TSF, we prefer to offer our retailers many options. It’s our mission to be your most trusted source for flooring solutions. Part of our offerings to you sometimes include a good, better, best option and we encourage you to try this strategy when talking with your next customers!


  • It helps the shopper understand the differences in options.
  • It helps the salesperson have a credible and fast way to explain products.
  • It helps customers make better buying decisions.
  • It helps retailers increase sales dollars and make more money
  • It creates an easy opportunity for an up-sell.

Think about it. When was the last time you bought the least amount your money could buy? Try using this approach with carpet, carpet pad and vinyl. For example, put three carpet pads down on the floor. Select a commodity bonded pad, a mid-grade pad with a few extra bells and whistles and a premium pad with all of the extras. Have your customer step on each pad individually and let them choose before even telling them the price. Once they feel the difference in pads, it will be easy for them to see the minimal price difference is worth the upgrade. You may not get them into the “Best” option, but will likely ensure they step up to the “Better” option.

Good luck and happy selling!

For examples on how the Good, Better, Best system is used on sales floors everywhere, check out this resource.

– Kirk Lowman