Growing Sales and Marketing with Gratitude
By Trevor Parvinen
As each year comes to a close, I like to take a gratitude inventory. Some of the things at the top of my gratitude list are:
- Family
- Friends
- My Customers (which I consider family and friends.)
- Our Flooring Partners
And so many more . . .
I recently read an article about a team that incorporated gratitude into their marketing plan. We all have gratitude for many things, but we don’t always get to show it the way we want to when life and work get in the way. This article revisited some of the basics that stand the test of time. The team added small, thoughtful touches by handwriting notes or giving gifts of gratitude to their customers.
On the last Thursday of every month, Thankful Thursday, they called it—the team would make a list of customers who had done business with them and sent out handwritten notes or a thoughtful gift. This was how the retailer spent its money on marketing. They also encouraged the sales team to share their customer’s feedback after receiving the notes or gifts.
After practicing this gratitude initiative for a period of time, the retailer found that their word of mouth had increased substantially, their customers were marketing warriors on social media for them, and their overall team culture had improved. In a world that is so digital, forming real-life connections and going the extra mile is key. The little things truly do matter, not only to your customers, but for yourself as well. Here’s a friendly reminder to practice gratitude in your personal and professional life because the outcome could make a huge difference.