Sales can be a tough job. There are several techniques available and different ones work for different people. If you find yourself struggling to close sales, take a look at the following tips. I’ve found that if I put in a little extra effort, I am able to see more success.
1. Have a Plan: For every situation, there is a way to guide a sale to get the result you want. The catch is, it takes practice and confidence. Anticipate all the things you might receive pushback on when selling to a customer – pricing, competitors, the market, etc. Have a plan for how you’ll respond and practice what you’re going to say. Writing down all of the potential challenges, along with how you’re going to react to them can give you an advantage. Make sure to acknowledge their concerns and then respond with solid, well-thought out reply. Trying to wing-it can work part of the time, but a rehearsed response sounds more polished and professional.
2. Be Your Best and Give Your Best: When I think of the best salespeople in my territory, there is one thing that they all have in common. They are all driven, motivated, customer service animals! Their level of commitment to enhancing the customer’s experience sets them apart from their competitors. My advice? Show up…REALLY show up for your customers. Make sure they know you care and are willing to do whatever it takes to make them leave with a smile on their face. Pay attention to details, anticipate any bumps in the road and make sure you know how to handle any situation that may arise. Remember, this a huge investment for a lot of people. Understanding that and being ready with solutions to help them get what they want can go a long way in earning their trust and gaining a customer for life.
3. Focus on Quality: The average customer has no idea which flooring is right for them. For this reason, you must first get to know your customer. Ask about their lifestyle, where they live, how active they are, who will be using the flooring, what are they looking to spend and what they think about their current flooring. Once you know what they’re looking for, consider all of your products. Eliminate product that will not fit their lifestyle and narrow them down to the best options. The customer might have an idea of what they think they want, but if that isn’t what’s best for them and their situation, a successful salesperson will gently tell them why another product might be better. Don’t simply take orders or sell just to sell. Listen to them, give them advice and guide them to the product that is really best for them. BRFL08 That’s key to becoming a credible salesperson. Remember, you are the expert and they want to you to share your professional opinion to help them make a good decision.
4. Be Open to Learning: Every salesperson is unique and have discovered sales tricks that work well for them. Learning from each other can help advance the results for an entire team. At Tri-State, we call this cross-training. As Territory Managers, we crosstrain by traveling with our counterparts in other territories, watch and listen to their presentations and then get an opportunity to present on our own. 8 sales guys can present the same product 8 different ways and get the same result. It’s important to listen, interpret what you hear and then make it your own. When we launch a new product; we constantly communicate with each other on pushback, successes, questions that came up, and more. We give each other feedback on how the situation could have gone differently and we’re open to trying different approaches to be successful. You can do these things too. Maybe someone you work with sells more wood floors than you do. How are they doing this? What’s their pitch? Take the time to listen to their presentation and learn from them. How can you modify your own sales presentation to be more effective? Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to your Territory Manager for ideas on presenting products. Selling takes practice. It’s okay if you don’t win every sale. Take notes and think about what you can change in your approach to try next time.
5. Take Your Time: Every product has a story. Take the time to tell it. Paint a picture in your customer’s mind and help them imagine the flooring in their home or business. When they feel connected to the product through the story, their excitement will be passed on to their guests. They will share why they chose that floor and also why they chose to work with you. Take time to develop relationships with each of your customers, learn their story, share some of yours and give them more than they expected.
Become the story you want to tell. If you modify your sales approach by applying these tips, your success rate will be greatly improved. Is it a 100% guarantee? No, but remember not all customers are right for you. However, every customer deserves a chance. Good luck and remember, have fun!
– Trent McDowell