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How Today’s Brick and Mortar Stores Are Beating Online Retail

“Retail is in the detail.” This is a quote I came across a while back and it’s especially true in today’s competitive market. At some point in the sales process we have all been challenged with the online retail objection. How did you handle that objection? (VAFU01) Here are some examples of things I see from brick and mortar stores beating online retail: 

1. Trendy Showrooms. Showrooms that inspire innovative design, quality and craftsmanship. This is your greatest tangible tool to combat online retail. “Retail is in the detail.” 

2. Social Media. I see a lot of brick and mortar stores actively engaging their customers with relevant information. This is a great format to target the masses and specific audiences with your product offerings, promotions, events, design visuals, etc. What’s your social media presence like? 

3. Leverage Your Positive Reviews. Advocate for them with giveaways. Let your future customer know how awesome you, your products and installations are. 

4. Be Old School. Several years back I received a phone call from my local insurance agent (out of the blue) wishing me a happy birthday. I was taken back that they cared enough about me to take time out of their day to make such a kind gesture that it truly made my day. Wish your customers a Happy Birthday, send thank you notes, or host a summer parking lot BBQ.